Awarded Research Grants
“Sculptured Thin Films: Non-Linear Nanomechanics and Homogenization for a New Class of En- gineered Thin Composites with Evolving Nanostructures;” Sponsor: NSF CAREER Award; Amount: $235,000; Role: PI. Start date: 4/15/1998; Duration: 4 years.
“Constituents Materials Properties and Belt Edge Durability of Radial Tires;” Sponsor: Pirelli Pneumatici S.P.A.; Amount: $299,428. Role: PI; Start date: 08/15/1999; Duration: three years. (Project transferred to F. Costanzo in 2002 from Prof. ByungLip Lee, who is no longer at Penn State, but currently at AFOSR.)
“CBNC Consortium,” Sponsors: Kennametal, Balzers, and Sandvik; Amount: $75,000. Role: Co-PI (50%). Start date: 01/01/1999; Duration: one year (Industry-Sponsored Supplement to the NSF CAREER Award).
“CBNC Consortium,” CAREER AWARD Year II matching funds accompanying industry-spon- sored research. Sponsor: NSF; Amount: $25,000; Role: PI. Start date: 10/01/1999; Duration: one year.
“CBNC Consortium;” Sponsors: Kennametal and Balzers; Amount: $50,000. Role: Co-PI (50%). Start date: 01/01/2000; Duration: one year (Industry-Sponsored Supplement to the NSF CAREER Award).
“CAREER AWARD Equipment Grant,” Sponsor: NSF CAREER Award and Penn State College of Engineering; Amount: $20,000. Role: PI. Start date: 01/01/2000; Duration: one year.
“Discontinuous Galerkin FEM for Dynamic Fracture with Cohesive Zones,” Sponsor: U.S. Army, Army Research Lab, Aberdeen (MD). Amount: $25,000. Role: PI; Start date: 01/09/2000; Duration: one year.
“Modeling the Processing and Performance of Multi-layer Structures,” Sponsor: Applied Research Laboratory Exploratory and Foundational Research Program, The Pennsylvania State Uni- versity; Amount: $13,455/year. Role: Co-PI (50%); Start date: 8/14/2000; Duration: two and one half year.
“CBNC Consortium,” CAREER AWARD Year III matching funds accompanying industry-spon- sored research. Sponsor: NSF; Amount: $25,000; Role: PI. Start date: 03/07/2001; Duration: one year (Industry-Sponsored Supplement to the NSF CAREER Award).
“Model-Based Simulation to Engineer Nanoporous Thin Films;” Sponsor: AFOSR; Amount: $299,428. Role: PI (with 1 Co-PI at 50%); Start date: 01/01/2002; Duration: three years.
“Dynamic Fracture In Temperature Sensitive Materials With Cohesive Zones: A Discontinu- ous Galerkin Approach;” Sponsor: AFOSR; Amount: $191,567. Role: PI; Start date: 07/01/2002; Duration: 2.5 years.
“Modeling the Dynamic Response of Nanowire Structures for Integrated Nanomechanical Biosen- sor Arrays;” Sponsor: MRI/MRSEC; Amount: $25,000. Role: Co-PI (50%); Start date: 09/15/2002; Duration: 1 year.
“Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Fracture in Temperature Sensitive Materials With Cohesive Zones” Sponsor: AFOSR; Amount: $240,000. Role: PI; Start date: 12/01/2004; Duration: three years.
“Fundamental Understanding of Propellant/Nozzle Interaction to Mitigate Erosion for Very High Pressure Missile Propellant Applications;” Sponsor: Office of Naval Research (ONR)— Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI); Amount: $5,097,998. Role: Co-PI; Start date: 07/01/2004; Duration: Five years. Professor Costanzo’s involvement covered years 2 through 5 with a total dedicated budget of $300,000.
“The Origin of Unpredictability in Damage Evolution Dynamics: Fundamental Limitations on SHM System Performance;” Sponsor: Siemens; Amount: $85,000. Role: Co-PI (50%); Start date: 06/01/2008; Duration: one year.
“Computational Modeling of Clot Fracture Mechanics for the Surgical Therapy of Acute Stroke;” Sponsor: Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI); Amount: $40,000.00 total; Role: PI (with 2 Co-PIs). Start date: 04/01/2014; Duration: one year.
“Probing Mechanical Biomarkers with Microacoustofluidics: A Fluid-Structure Interaction Ap- proach;” Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Amount: $300,000; Role: PI (with one Co-PI at 30%); Start date: 10/01/2014; Duration: Three Years
“Waste Disposal” in the Brain: Fluid Exchange Mechanics in the Glymphatic System; Support: Penn State College of Engineering; Amount: $45,334; Role: PI (with 4 Co-PIs); Start date: 08/01/2014; Duration: One year.
“Computational Prediction of Mechanical and Transport Response Evolution in Degrading Porous Scaffolds;” Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Amount: $395,000; Role: PI (with one Co- PI at 30%); Start date: 08/01/2015; Duration: Three years.
“From Cells to Societies: Fungi Controlling Ants;” Sponsor: National Institutes of Health; A- mount: $1,854,715; Role: co-Investigator (Summer salary support along with support for one Ph.D. student); Start date: 02/01/2016; Duration: Five years.