Educational Research Grants
“A Virtual Laboratory for Engineering Materials: Experimental Activity Simulation for the Study of Materials Behavior using Mathematica and MATLAB,” Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Penn State College of Engineering, May 1996 ($6000). Role: PI.
”Grant from the Schreyer Institute for Innovation in Learning for a Teaching Intern in Interactive Dynamics,” Fall 1998 ($1250). Role Co-PI (50%).
“Implementation of the Interactive Classroom into Undergraduate Mechanics and a Corresponding First-Year/Freshman Seminar,” Fund for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (FELT), IDP Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, The Pennsylvania State University, 1998 ($8,120). Role: Co-PI (50%).
Equipment Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the form of matching funds to enhance education, 1998 ($30,000). Role: Co-PI (50%).
“Pathways to Effective Learning in Engineering Using Information Technology,” GE Fund via the College of Engineering–Year I, January 1997–January 1998 ($30,000). Role: Co-PI (50%).
“Pathways to Effective Learning in Engineering Using Information Technology,” GE Fund via the College of Engineering–Year II, January 1998–January 1999 ($30,000). Role: Co-PI (50%).
Grant from the Penn State College of Engineering Tuition Surcharge Fund to enhance the Inter- active Mechanics Classroom, January 1999 ($29,000). Role: Co-PI (50%).
“Pathways to Effective Learning in Engineering Using Information Technology,” GE Fund via the College of Engineering–Year III, January 1999–January 2000 ($35,000). Role: Co-PI (50%).
“Instructional Materials for Engineering Mechanics Using Problem-Based Learning;” Sponsor: National Science Foundation, CCLI-Educational Materials Development; Amount: $120,259; Role: Co-PI (50%); Start date: 02/01/2002; Duration: 18 months.
“A Cognitive Study of Modeling During Problem-Solving: Accelerating Progress Toward Expert- Like Performance,” Sponsor: NSF; Amount: $539,645. Role: Investigator with summer salary support; Start date: 05/01/2006; Duration: 3 years.