Institutional & Professional Service
Professor Costanzo has provided professional and institutional service throughout his research and academic career. Please visit the links below to view his service in the following areas:
Professional Memberships & service to the Profession
ASME: Member since 1994; Fellow since 08/2015
Technical Divisions:
• Applied Mechanics
• Bioengineering
• Fluids
• Materials
• Aerospace
Other contributions:
Co-organizer of the symposium on ”Homogenization and Micromechanics of Composites,” in the 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, June 29–July 2, 1997, at Northwestern University, Evanston (Il).
Reviewer for the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics.
SES (1996–Present)
Co-organizer of the symposium on “Crack Growth in Viscoelastic Media” in the SES (Society of Engineering Science) 33rd Annual Technical Meeting, October 20–23, 1996, at the Arizona State University, Tempe (AZ).
Co-organizer of the symposium on “Dynamic Fracture”, in the 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 13–16, 2002, University Park (PA).
Co-organizer of the symposium entitled “Discrete to Continuum: Mechanical Modeling Across Scales”, in the 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 13–16th, 2002, University Park (PA).
Co-chair and co-technical chair for the 43rd Annual Technical Meeting Society of Engineering Science, held at The Pennsylvania State University on August 13–16, 2006.
ASEE (1999–present)
Divisions and Service:
• Biomedical
• Mechanics
• Executive Committee of the Mechanics Division of ASEE (2010–2011).
ASEE Conference: Reviewer for the Mathematics Division
SIAM (2010–present)
Key Reader for the Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, a joint publication of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and of the ASM International. September 2008–Present.
Office Location
Francesco Costanzo, Ph.D.
Center for Neural Engineering
W-315 Millenium Science Complex
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 1-814-863-2030
Fax: 1-814-865-9974