Institutional & Professional Service
Professor Costanzo has provided professional and institutional service throughout his research and academic career. Please visit the links below to view his service in the following areas:
Service to the University
Penn State College of Engineering Research Computing Committee, 2015–Present.
College of Engineering Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair, 2015–Present.
College of Engineering Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member, 2014.
Office of Student Conduct, Administrative Hearing Officer/Member of the Title IX Panel, August 2013–Present.
University Faculty Senate, Member, Spring 2006–Spring 2013.
Firewall Implementation Committee, College of Engineering. Spring 2004–Present.
University Appeals Board. Fall semester 1996–Fall 1997.
University Hearing Board. Fall 1997–Fall 2006, Chair (the UHB has several faculty members whose task is to serve as Chair of the board when the UHB is in session).
University Graduate Council and University Graduate Council Committee on Program and Courses, member, Fall 1997–Spring 1999.
Penn State Undergraduate Student Fulbright Scholarship Selection Committee, Fall 2000– Present.
Office Location
Francesco Costanzo, Ph.D.
Center for Neural Engineering
W-315 Millenium Science Complex
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 1-814-863-2030
Fax: 1-814-865-9974